Wednesday 22 August 2012

Moving . . . Where?

I know I should be exhilarated
To be moving house
Heading toward salvation
Or at least that’s what they tell me

For a brief spell I was homeless
And I felt like dying in a ditch
Alone and forgotten
Instead bothering friends and family
Asking to stay at their place
Plodding on, not knowing why
Defeated but still alive
And making their lives just a little harder
With my continued, breathing presence
Cursing myself all the while

Then, against all odds
I found an apartment
Cheap, decent: fine
And it came at just the right time
I know I should have been exhilarated

Two days of packing: ugh
Why do I own all this shit?
Then the night before moving
The reality of it gets closer
And so does the air
“How lucky you are,” they say
“You see, it will be just fine”
But I can’t breathe
And the assurances seem to mean nothing
All I can think of is the myriad of problems
I will find upon moving there
And my inability to pay any kind of bill
And I wonder how they can all be
So damn positive
And I resent and envy them

I think of all the stuff I have
And I wish it would all just vanish
By some kind of divine intervention
So I would be freed of it
But to toss it all away
That would be the same as
Ending it all
Right then and there

I think of all the stuff I have to move
Taking all day, sucking at my strength
Sapping much more than anyone can know
To them it’s just another day

I know I should be exhilarated
So many people offered to help me
Why, to me, a mystery
And I continue to complicate their lives
And I continue to require favours
And they will not abandon me
And just let me die
I just wish they would all suddenly decide
That I was scum, trash, nothing
And they would forget I existed
And in that pain of loss
I would find the strength
To finally end it all
Right then and there

I know I should be exhilarated
Finally having a place to call my own again
To find the peace
I am always whining about
But the thought alone of all the effort
I have to put in, just to live there
Just to survive on my own again
Me, crazy, suicidal, lost,
Nauseates me, drives me crazy
And I know I won’t be able to do it
I won’t be able to earn enough
Of this godforsaken thing called money
To pay every damn bill
And leave cash for food and beer

I know I should be exhilarated
But I just want to lie down
Among the moving boxes
They all keep telling me I should be exhilarated
And I want to, I yearn for this feeling
But I am screwed up, not human
And I just want to lie down
Curl up
Give up
And die

1 comment:

  1. I know it feels like an enormous task right now, all the things you have to do to make this work keep piling up without end and you don't have the energy for it all. I get it. It seems easier to just give up and what's the point anyway? But trust me, it will be worth it. It's a step in the right direction. And your friends and family will be there every step of the way. We will not abandon you.
