Tuesday 17 January 2012

Female beauty

Female beauty is almost pure coincidence. Of course women born beautiful also have to take care of themselves, but it's not something you have to try for, and therefore nothing to be admired. Curse you, testosterone, for making desirable something that requires almost no effort, and is therefore not to be admired at all.

Monday 16 January 2012


Do not discrimitate; there are ignorant fools everywhere.


People can do without endless, mind-deadening routine like they can without salt on their food.

Family and friends

Family will care for you, but they will never be interested in you like a true friend will.

Friday 13 January 2012

The more powerful gender

There are no laws against the violence that women do unto men. Women know exactly where it will hurt the most, and that they will get away with whatever psychological pain they inflict upon those of the other gender. Men are told to "man up and take it". If they fail to, and reciprocate, it is them that will be punished. Women have the law on their side, and it makes them the more powerful gender. Their deviousness will always beat man's strength of arm. Especially when that arm is pinned down by legislation. In earlier times, women might have been the silent force guiding men, but in modern society, women reign over men with impunity.


Thou shalt not kill, maim, steal, rape, kidnap, traffic in drugs or women, commit treason or speed 5 km/h, or the law will descend upon your unworthy soul!

Monday 9 January 2012


E-mail is very convenient. An incredible invention. Fast and free. It's just that people often seem to become retarted when reading theirs, suddenly forgetting the location of the reply button.

Drunks II

There are few persons I don't like better drunk than sober - as long as they don't drive me home. 

Saturday 7 January 2012

At war with itself

The human race is at war with itself, every day. The intellectuals are losing.

Independent thought

Don't watch the news! Don't read the papers! Then, maybe, just maybe, we will again be capable of independent thought.

Doing good

Do not kid yourself. Doing 'good' because you feel it as an obligation, because you are forced to by persons, rules or laws, or because it makes you feel better about yourself, as if it will undo the wrongs you have committed, is not doing good at all. Pretending to be better than you are actually makes you a worse person, not the other way around.

Altruism is a myth.


I have an odd kind of respect for a man drunk - in his state he has reverted to his true self: not guarding his tongue every second, not playing a part, not saying what people want to hear, but actually, blissfully, being himself. Unlike his sober brethren, he is real. I think maybe I wish we were all like that, all the time.

"But everybody does it!"

Being used to something does not make it right.

Standing up for yourself

If out of a desire to avoid external conflict you lose your self-respect, the resulting internal conflict will be much more serious.

Wealth II

You will know you are too wealthy for your own good when you stop looking at price tags and just buy whatever takes your fancy that you guess must be somewhere within your price range.

If you feel the above statement is false, this confirms you have indeed been corrupted by your wealth.


The wealthier you get, the less value your purchases will hold for you.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

The child in you

The moment you lose the last of the child in you is the moment your soul dies.