Thursday 30 August 2012

Killing Time

I keenly remember a time
When I was never bored
When there never seemed
To be enough time
When I felt exuberant
When I had loads of interests
When I hated bedtime
When time was my enemy
In an altogether different way

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Selected Poetry August 2012

Download my poetry (27 poems) written in 2012 so far here.

Listless Ruminations on Innocence

The nights are so endless
Every activity that pops into my mind
But I do them anyway
Shaking my head at the futility
Getting bored with them
Right after I start

Nothing can satisfy me
There is truly no reason to be
But what else is there to do?
Even the beer tastes foul to me
As I slam the bottle down in disgust
Then take yet another gulp
Hoping to shut off my brain
And finally stop thinking for today

Degradation Through Work

“Men generally work too much to be themselves. Work is a curse which man has turned into pleasure. To work for work’s sake, to enjoy a fruitless endeavour, to imagine that you can fulfil yourself through assiduous labour—all that is disgusting and incomprehensible. Permanent and uninterrupted work dulls, trivialises, and depersonalises.

Monday 27 August 2012

Alone in an Empty Room

I sit alone in an empty room
Just staring at the walls
And I feel the cents slipping away
From my bank account
Along with the seconds
Of my life
I sit alone in an empty room
Just breathing, thinking, existing
But existence doesn’t come cheap

Friday 24 August 2012

Fear of Sadness

“I actually attack the concept of happiness. I don’t mind people being happy - but the idea that everything we do is part of the pursuit of happiness seems to me a really dangerous idea and has led to a contemporary disease in Western society, which is fear of sadness. It’s a really odd thing that we’re now seeing people saying “write down 3 things that made you happy today before you go to sleep”, and “cheer up” and “happiness is our birthright” and so on. We’re kind of teaching our kids that happiness is the default position - it’s rubbish.

Unrelenting Physical Torment

The day began with a dream
In it a man walked in, pistol in hand, laughing
And when he pointed the gun at me
In this moment of terror, I woke up
And instantly regretted it
As excruciating pain wracked my back
Worse than I had ever felt before
And my teeth would clench no harder

I worked my fist into the offending muscle
Trying to stifle a cry of very real pain
But my back refused to let up
And laughed at me
Though I didn’t know backs could laugh

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Moving . . . Where?

I know I should be exhilarated
To be moving house
Heading toward salvation
Or at least that’s what they tell me

For a brief spell I was homeless
And I felt like dying in a ditch
Alone and forgotten
Instead bothering friends and family
Asking to stay at their place
Plodding on, not knowing why
Defeated but still alive
And making their lives just a little harder
With my continued, breathing presence
Cursing myself all the while

Monday 20 August 2012

The Dreadful Longing For Understanding

How tortured I am by my unwanted longing for understanding of my plight. I have come to realise by now that it is next to impossible to find understanding in other humans, separated as I feel from them by an infinite distance, a distance so great it almost seems we are of different species. Why, then, am I still trying? Why do I feel this desperate, burning need for people to understand what I feel, why I feel it, and why I act the way I act? They will only ever understand, I know, if they ever reach the point where they suffer as I do, and since only naïveté, only the absence of knowledge, of awareness, can spare them from eternal torment in life, and I do not wish this upon them. To seek their understanding, therefore, is wishing upon them this eternal sadness and despair that has become an inseparable part of my own being, and thus means contradicting myself. Nevertheless, this need for understanding continues to well up in me, manifesting as an uncontrollable urge, slapping my feeble attempts at reason in the face, showing it who is the undisputed master.


“How I would love one day to see all people, young and old, sad or happy, men and women, married or not, serious or superficial, leave their homes and their workplaces, relinquish their duties and responsibilities, gather in the streets and refuse to do anything anymore. At that moment, let slaves to senseless work, who have been toiling for future generations under the dire delusion that they contribute to the good of humanity, avenge themselves on the mediocrity of a sterile and insignificant life, on the tremendous waste that never permitted spiritual transfiguration.

Sunday 19 August 2012


“Why this curse on some of us who can never feel at ease anywhere, neither in the sun nor out of it, neither with men nor without them? To possess a high degree of consciousness, to be always aware of yourself in relation to the world, to live in the permanent tension of knowledge, means to be lost for life. Knowledge is the plague of life, and consciousness, an open wound in its heart.
Is it not tragic to be man, that perpetually dissatisfied animal suspended between life and death?”
                                                                                        --Emil Cioran

Saturday 18 August 2012

The Temporary Salvation

“There are experiences which one cannot survive, after which one feels that there is no meaning left in anything. Once you have reached the limits of life, having lived to extremity all that is offered of those dangerous borders, the everyday gesture and the usual aspiration lose their seductive charm. If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain. Creativity is a temporary salvation from the claws of death.”
                                                                                        -- Emil Cioran

Thursday 16 August 2012

Sweet Resignation

Oh, humanity
How you keep trying
How you keep poisoning
The earth; yourselves
Why were you chosen
You and all of your wretchedness
To populate, to dominate
This beautiful oasis
In a desert of galaxies?


The fire consumes me
But I am only wax
Helpless to do anything but watch
As I feel my life force slip away

The fire consumes me
And I am the flame
Burning the wick, the wax
Burning it all, uncaring

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Good Intentions

If actions springing from good intentions continue to have bad consequences but the doer is blind to this, can the intentions still be defined as 'good'?


Fear dominates the human race. It is our one true master.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Embrace Me, Night, And Do Not Let Go

Many believe there is no such thing
As resurrection
But I am revived each day
Resurrected from a peaceful slumber;
All I wished for
But each morning my dreams are shattered
As I rise cursing
To face the horrors of life once again

Saturday 4 August 2012

Stand Tall and Die

I see them all begging . . .
The poor suckers
Begging for work
Dressed up oh so nicely
For the job interview
Nervous, afraid . . . willing
Uncomfortable in clothes they never wear
I look at them and ask myself
Why do they do it?
Oh fuck, please tell me why . . .
Why beg to do something that wearies you
Physically, mentally
Even to do something you hate
Just to live?

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Silent Companion

There is a man, clad in black
Who follows me around
Wherever I go
He is feared by many
But not by me—not usually
He used to follow me from a distance
Teasing me, staying just out of sight
But now, whenever I turn my head
I see him looking over my shoulder
Always there, a silent companion,
A guardian, I pray
My dear silent companion
Bold and unafraid
I cannot seem to shake him
No matter where I hide or turn
But I want him to stay;
Without him I’m afraid