Monday 27 August 2012

Alone in an Empty Room

I sit alone in an empty room
Just staring at the walls
And I feel the cents slipping away
From my bank account
Along with the seconds
Of my life
I sit alone in an empty room
Just breathing, thinking, existing
But existence doesn’t come cheap

I look at my desk, my sofa, my things
A tasteless but furnished home;
A home that isn’t a home,
Just a concrete prison
Furniture doesn’t bring fullness
Nor warmth, nor life;
A common mistake
I look around the room, at my things
As cold and empty as my heart
As meaningless as all the rest

I could have brought plants, pets
Since only life can bring life
To a place devoid of it
But life is not meant to be caged
It is just humans and their odd desire
For locking up life, parts of nature
And claiming to own this life
(Slavery still exists) 
That created this myth

I sigh 
And shift my weight against the wall
Feeling the ever-present ache in my back
And the cents slipping away
Wondering about the value of my flesh
And the worth of my mind
If any
But all I can think is
The sofa is worth more;
At least in slavery
A man knew his worth

I sit alone in an empty room
Devoid of life and feeling
Much like me, but not quite;
I still feel some life holding on
For something I don’t know
I have no clue why I bother
Why I’m living in this empty cage
Existing without reason, expensively
When a single beautiful day
A final day, in nature
Without humans, ending in death
Seems infinitely more valuable

I sit alone in an empty room
And think and sigh
But no matter what I think
The only conclusion I ever reach is that
Nothing matters


  1. If you want me to come by and make that room a little bit less empty, just ask. :) We'll play some games or something. :)

  2. You just focus on moving house ;). But thx.
