Wednesday 15 August 2012

Good Intentions

If actions springing from good intentions continue to have bad consequences but the doer is blind to this, can the intentions still be defined as 'good'?


  1. When the doer is blind to the actions that turns to have bad result. In his or her mind it is not the result that matters but the help he or she can offer to the person in need. The actions can still be defined as good, because he or she is doing a action to help in situation.

  2. Providing "help" with disastrous consequences does not seem like help at all to me.
    Suppose someone comes along each day while you're cooking a meal and he tosses so much hot sauce in there it becomes inedible, because he wrongly thinks this will make the food better, and does this 80 days in a row, with you telling him every day that it doesn't help at all, wouldn't you at least tell this person to fuck off?

  3. then why do the actions need to be labelled "good" or "bad" at all? There are actions. Your answer implies it would be better if there were none at all in question. So it's not about good or bad.

  4. I will rephrase it into "can the *intentions* still be defined as good", which is actually what I meant to say.

  5. I talking about a person in need of help. Not somebody just do something to a person that does not need help, like your cooking example.

  6. It is not up to OTHERS to decide if someone needs help.

  7. Can unasked-for, unwanted help even be called help? Or just destructive meddling?

  8. I understand you feel pressured if the person keeps doing the same thing while it doesn't help you. It sounds to me like you need to have a heart to heart to the person trying to help you, tell him or her why his or her actions don't work, and what actions would help you instead. Don't forget that these good intentions come out of love for you.

  9. What if you have told this person 80 times, to no avail?

    And the 'good' intentions springing from love turning out to have bad consequences, indeed the opposite of what the helper is trying to achieve, is precisely the reason I wrote this blog, therefore: when this love produces hate, love fails.

  10. I understand. Maybe I can help? I'll talk to this person if you want to. Or we can talk to him or her together?

  11. Thanks for offering. I'll let you know.

  12. Its a good thing to let a neutral person help you both obtain terms and understanding. If 80 times has failed between the two of you. I recommend to take eefjes offer. People fall to stand up again, even after 80 times it is still possible.
