Wednesday 10 November 2010

Bureaucracy V

God damn physiotherapists! This dick physiotherapist I had "treated" me twice before he decided to tell me my health insurer would not pay for it (otherwise I wouldn't even have visited him in the first place). The first time I saw him he took his damn time taking notes about my injury and jotted down my address and such, with me wondering when the hell we would actually do something, followed by giving me some crap exercises I have never been able to do because it entailed me stretching my leg, which I couldn't with my knee injury, even after my operation. He now charged 50 euros for this crap. And the second time he insisted he come to me, just after my knee operation, while I could already drive (= easy). Even though I knew this would 'cost' me more, I was under the impression my health insurance would cover it anyway so I told him alright, he could come. He then arrived much later than agreed upon, but didn't call and I couldn't reach him. Fucked up my afternoon. He was then supposed to treat me for 30 minutes, but he stayed for maybe 18 and repeated himself a half dozen times during that period to fill the time because he's a moron and couldn't think of anything else to do. He taught me one exercise that was useful. Cost: 70 fucking euros. For arriving late without notifying me and staying for a measly 18 minutes, giving me one useful exercise. This is so god damn outrageous I want to maim and kill. The fact that people can charge such ridiculous sums of money for doing practically nothing and without informing them they have to pay for it themselves, and getting away with it, pisses me off so much I mean to either drive my car into his practice, or become a physiotherapist myself and charge people even more for doing even less (like showing off a neat trick I learned involving my ass and tiny little balls and slapping them in the face). Or the third option, of course: being a faggot and complaining about it on the Internet because I can't do anything about it anyway and feel like crap because my wallet is being stolen by someone pretending to give me a nice massage.

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