Thursday 27 December 2012

Survival of the Fittest

Before computers, before wireless communication, before multinational companies, before airplanes, before banks, before industry, before cross-Atlantic travel, and before a million other things that have been classified as 'progress', people used to understand that the sickly, the weak and the mentally disturbed were not meant to survive, and used to be not the least bit surprised when these people died young: simple survival of the fittesteven before Darwin coined the phrase, the lowliest peasant understood that most weak people were not supposed to die of old age.

Now, for some reason, in our disgustingly rich society, everyone needs to be 'saved'. If there is something seriously wrong with you, the government will take the money of those who are, in fact, of sound enough physical and mental health to make it in this world, and use it to fund a legion of health care workers trained to try (and often fail) to make you a contributing member of society (again).

LET THEM DIE. Their lives are not some holy thingthe earth is overpopulated as it is, and the weak will breed more weaklings, growing up to often lead unhappy and tormented lives.

LET THEM DIE. You're wasting time and money to provide false hope to those will not make it anyway, prolonging their torment and creating only more suffering.

LET THEM DIE. Especially the ones who beg for death. When they are looking down from a rooftop, yell out encouragements. Let your children watch and teach them that for some, life is far from paradise.

LET THEM DIE. Some people are simply not meant to survive.

Or at least, let me die. Government, if you are serious about helping the weakest among us, inject them with a fatal cocktail of beautiful, deadly juices if they so desire. Try it on me; I'll sign anything. You should consider me a godsend: I'll rid you of one of your more pesky citizens, who would never again become someone you would call a productive member of society anyway, and it would be a much cheaper alternative to any other scenario. Do you really want to end up paying me unemployment benefits for years, or sending shitloads of cash to the nuthouse or jail to keep me alive against my will? Quid pro quo: I will give you an easy way out if you will give me an easy way out.

But of course you won't, huh, government? I'm not even going to ask why. You will never run out of bullshit excuses anyway.



    1. If I am a nazi, I am a gay, Jewish, gypsy nazi who wants to be the first victim of his own scheme.

    2. And did I mention BLACK?

  2. In the times you speak of, people didn't know what was going on inside the brains of the mentally ill. They just simply thought that they were crazy, and that's that. Today we know what specifically is disturbed inside the brains of the patients, and we know how to treat it. We know that the treatments work and that those that were treated say that they are happy in their lives and that they are glad people didn't give up on them when they were ill. It's like having a patient with diabetis and letting them die, instead of giving him medicine that saves him and let him lead a happy life. You won't kill him because of his diabetis, right? It's not different from the mentally ill, who can be treated for the disease so that they can be happy again.
