Thursday 18 October 2012

Apathy In The Face Of Finality

As I feel the days run out
I ponder what to do with them
The sense of déjà vu is
But the questions remain
To haunt me night and day
Should I finish this one story?
Should I get together with that friend
Just one more time?
Should I leave anything at all behind
In a certain way?

Do I have the strength and the will
To pull off anything like this?
Is there anything still to gain
When the beat of your heart
Might soon cease?
The answers elude me
When the ever-present sense of dread
Accompanying my possibly
Impending demise clearly underlines
The futility of any undertaking,
The fear, never long dormant
Overruling all else

I am alive
But it doesn’t feel this way
I yearn to feel strong
And experience enthusiasm, purpose
But I feel my strength
Has long since fled me
Along with my will
And my humanity

I feel too weak
To do much of anything anymore
And am only getting weaker
By the day,
My only unrelenting desire
To dull my consciousness
Of this meaningless void we call life
And its myriad of cursed problems
Requiring constant attention
Something inside of me even trying to tap
Those long-depleted energy reserves
For some reason
And failing

As I wonder
If I will live to see another month
And ponder the questions, disgusted
With life and myself
I drink and spend the following day
Lying around sick and weak
Wasting the hours
That should perhaps feel precious
In their scarcity
And realising that in not deciding
I am already making my choice
As I feel the days run out


  1. There is so much for you out there; a fulfilling life that is worth living. Please do not give up the fight. We will all stand by you if you need a shoulder or a little push. Please try to hold on. Things will get better. Be patient and have faith.

  2. i so wish i had enough strength to give you some of mine...

  3. I value your intentions, but the positive messages don't connect, at all. They just seem ridiculous to my ears. I have no faith and will never acquire it either.

  4. Faith is not futile, please try to believe in it. With strength and patience, it will prove itself to be true. I know you can do it.

  5. "Please try to *believe* in *faith*"..... That's quite the interesting remark ;).
