Saturday 9 June 2012

The Perfect Employee

I will be an asset
To your company,
I say
I will take orders
Without question,
I pledge

I am a good team player
Yes, sure,
I will greet your customers
With a smile
Yet still I am doubtful
So I throw in ‘pro-active’ as well

In my letter of application
I am all they wish me to be
I am the perfect employee

Oh, applicant
Take heed
Never say you wish to eat
Never express your wish for beer and meat
Money you can just wave away
“A trifle,” you say, “not for me”
You survive on naught but love
For the company
You only Googled just now


  1. That last stanza is so aptly worded..

    Soliciting always makes me feel so phony. I tend to wonder what purpose the charade even still serves as I'm sure the employer knows everybody is just making this shit up to get the job.

  2. Thanks. I wonder about the same thing :). Constantly.
