Saturday 20 August 2011

Epitome of spoiled Western civilisation

You're what? A vegetarian? Try to explain that concept to a starving African child.

In the glorious history of mankind, we have moved from simple survival to....vegetarianism?


  1. For your information: if everyone would be a vegetarian, there wouldn't be any more world hunger. The crops they now use to feed the livestock could be used to feed the starving african children. ;)

  2. We are omnivores by nature, and the only creatures alive to say "woah, I'd like to become a herbivore instead".

    If we saved all that livestock feed, it would not go to poor Third World countries instead (it would not even be produced because people are greedy and seek profit, wouldn't help starving children - they don't care); the food would never get there. Those countries will stay poor and hungry until their dictatorial regimes are overthrown, and they develop the industry and business to sustain themselves, and lose their dependency on other countries. (Plus, it would help if those people didn't refuse to use condoms and didn't have 8 children per family.) So vegetarianism saving world hunger is a dream.

  3. Maybe it's a dream, but in theory it could happen. But I guess you're right, they will have to get education as well to truly save their countries.
