Wednesday 1 September 2010

People are strange

Everyone has something really strange about them. And I mean everyone. Just make an imaginary list of a few people you know well and think of something really weird about all of them. Something you've shaken your head over on occasion, or even countless times, for lack of understanding this. I guarantee you you'll be able to think of something.

Is this bad? Well, a lot of these characteristics are probably unwanted parts of someone's personality, something they can't get rid of (though soms people embrace them as it gives them something to hold on to), but sometimes people don't even realise themselves that this particular thing about them is pretty odd. So essentially I guess you could call them bad. But for one, it is something that makes people as unique as they are - which makes life interesting, so this is good - and second, you have something weird about you too. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it might be a good idea to start thinking about this, as you may just discover something about yourself. Something you might want to try and change, though this is often difficult.

Are you completely satisfied about yourself? Then congratulations are probably in order, as you have perhaps embraced this strangeness as an integral part of you, something that makes you you, even though you may sometimes find it difficult or annoying. Or perhaps you haven't yet figured out what it is about you that is kind of odd or uncommon. In that event, again: it might be a good idea to start thinking about this.

So am I trying to make you feel bad by "letting you search for something bad about yourself"? No. I am merely suggesting that if you don't know what would be strange about you, pondering this might help you understand yourself better. It won't change the way you are in any case, but self-knowledge is something that is valuable beyond question, and perhaps it will gain you some more :).

I don't expect anyone to comment about what is odd about them, but perhaps you could say whether or not you are aware or something strange about you. That would be interesting to know.

And if it helps, just call it 'exceptional' ;).


  1. I can't even begin to name the things that are 'exceptional' about me. :P But i ám aware of them.

  2. ofc i am exceptional, atleast in some ways. it's what makes me special and characteristic. in short: me.
